bearded guy standing at the edge of the world. seriously, half his face is beard
Luffy, the King of Pirates
electric clams, black lips and a blue apple
dad comes home and catches his son eating a burger with only one black glove on. not pleased.
a crab with albino legs next to a trident. arielle maybe?
it's dave stryder again. seriously guys, are you born without fantasy?you see hand drawn pics and all you come up with is homestuck?very sad
voldemort using the forbidden killing course on an SD card
an awesome SD memory card!
guy with golden hair using a tarzan-swing
Oh no! I don't know how to book a flight, because i went to the airport and checked my "How to Book"-book in, it's on its way!
a man napping on a meadow, using a rock for a pillow
a beautiful picture of the sun on a day so clear the sky appears nearly white