The pickle pirates have grown brave. The assault on the Apple Cowboys has begun!
Dirk was just a lonely turd, until... Behold thy bleached hair!
Killroy don't take no shit!
Who is that masked man? The one who wears a flower colored bandanna on his face. That, deadlocked man...
An amazing work of art! No doubt the artist took much time drawing it with only a pen and their asshole.
An anthropomorphic circus tent named "Netali" waits to consume clueless lovers of the circus.
Lightning strikes two young boys in the prime of their youth. Their mothers will likely week for a many a fortnight.
It seems that sex on top is better than being the fabled "Power Bottom"
I handsome man pushes with all his might but can't seem to make a poop in the shape of "The Duke" John Wayne.
John Wayne ("The Duke") fights crime in a small town overrun with out of work henchmen.
A disembodied head ponders the number 4 as it's brain function shuts down due to lack of blood and oxygen.