-- Our beards are so manly, they have their own beards. Even our womenfolk are manly enough for beards. Remember, it's not the beard on your face that matters, but the beard on your heart.
Nipplebot 300x7-2p8: Now with new and improved flavor!* *Warning: For duck use only
Woman angry at her blind, happy, female friend
An anonymous poster linking to post number 704514999, and responding with "I'm 12 and what is this" on 09/19/16 (Mon)
A neckbeard named Ben Q downloads 14 petabytes of Japanese porn off a torrent site called Pirate Gay
Shrek as a marionette puppeteer
Fat Man and Little Boy
Dori the Dorito says "Buy Gamer Fuel!"
Duck-billed platypus
Six-panel comic about how boomerangs work, featuring Stands
Penguin reads about illuminati
A blue circle thinks of the Illuminati while ripping a green rectangle in half to make two green squares