a yellow duck on choppy waters wearing a blue hat backwards. the sky is sunny with 4 clouds. the duck has green eyes.
Man wearing turban rides a unicycle uphill on uneven rocky ground and juggling at the same time with seven friggin balls. Thats showmanship
blad woman with mouth full of black pubes complains about men.
Meowth is a mess from his crack drug addiction. He has this drug addiction from all the pain he suffered from Pikachu lightening.
a beautiful day out on the range with a blue stream. A crack whore from the ghetto offering a horse crack. Horse says "F U WHORE!"
You parking in a handicap space while handicap people make handicap faces. (make it epic)
showing a blue snake peeing in its own eye... this is making it cry. if you want you can draw a PB and J sandwich
<3 Your Mom
looking at bacteria under a microscope. they look ghostly!
Mushroom stamping a seal on a envelope
Stop what you're doing! Go back to loling instead.
Handicap duck makes handicap faces at a green laser dot on wall.