two potatoes and some meat balls
modern art: a mixture of a rabbit ans a camel in front of a red square
R2D2 says:"Who's this A-hole?!" (R2D2 cant talk)
Pig looking at a hotdog with a "Are you f***ing kidding me" expression
a 3D printing pencil printing noodles
Softdrink is watching you! It is just toooo hilerious. Oh my god. My whole class is laughing
Spongebob gives no fuckes to logic.
shakespear with pink skirt thinks about the meaning of life.
Sowjet russian is conserving his wand in some vodka, while a gross bear is looking.
Someone is fapping in front of a TV
A red car is murdering a human with a gun and a sword thing
Smartphone scaring the shit out of his owner.