a giant ant taunts a mage by eating a giant slim jim. The only way the mage can handle such jealousy is by surrounding himself in a bubble
Annie, despite her lower level still manages to put up a fight in this match against Bertholdt and Reiner in this classic game "Titanmon."
jimmy you're covered in shit, go sit down for the family picture
Panda, whilst in a trance, calmly eats poo from a tuba
Annie is so happy to put on her mutilation ring
A beaver does not discriminate when it comes to eating people. He eats out of any part of the economic ladder, lower class or upper class.
A cow, drawn by an infant with little motor skills.
mr sun, sun, mr golden orange brown sun. pls shine down on me
This poor dollar bill is burdened with the weight of the world.He was rused by Atlas into carrying it, now theres no way off the ruse cruise
the naked yellow man cries because he is not a walmart sticker anymore
some lady be like oh no wid a green laser yo
oh shit it's a pirate asking me whether or not arg is the correct term