Deadpool's decapitated head. Captioned #YOLO
A king trying to get to a pink cake with two candles on it during a thunderstorm at night. Captioned. "Its a trap!" in purple.
Guy in Pikachu suit with big balls. :(
"Hi I'm an anime fan." said the sugoi celery stalk.
A person's bare backside, with a trampstamp reading 'BUTT'
Homer Simpson dancing next to a grave wearing a red devil suit while shaking pink maracas.
a stick figure man riding a rock with a single robot antennae says "No wa- mpas lel`"
A shitty bike.
Jimmy the Robot
Written in size one red lines, NIN, block letters, not filled in. Last N is backwards. Underlined with grey size 2.
sad green skinned man with black flaming hair
The Aquabats!