That guy on the Pringles boxes watching over a dead body while resting near a fire
Salad finger with a sign that has a golden "Y" on it
Alligator taking a shower while screaming "I'M GAY" . He also has wide opened eyes, to show that he's totes assuming it.
A grandma with a pointed nose who's about to eat a bunch of dollars (there's a black spot on the bottom right corner. Veeeery important.)
A bird, surely a seagull, questionning the deep meaning of life : It just doesn't know.
Anything you want to draw. Really.
Pacman and a banana versus Space, stars and the now-a-planet-again-Pluto
Blocs that somewhat pile up in order to make a robot (his head is green)
Cowboy with an overly big nose, a scratched eye, big lips and a cool beard (oh, and a gun too)