Two jedi dueling with yellow lightsabers.
A white house with a gigantic brown roof is singing out of it's chimney.
An orange girl in a pink dress with blue hair and green eyes is pointing at a teddy bear angrily in the dark.
A giant arm is walking across a bridge. The other side of the bridge is on fire.
A red eye with a yellow snake pupil.
A black mitten is merging with an organge blob.
A rainbow flag with an orange man in the middle.
A sad egg plant on a segway. A FREAKING SEGWAY.
A beautiful blue mushrom with green polka dots.
A castle with two gray ponds in the courtyard.
A tiny man is scared as he is about to get stepped on by a giant boot. There is an arrow pointing down.
A very giant pink man with a blue shirt and green shorts is punching a plane in the sky. Very tiny houses and trees in background.