homestuck fans killing themselves
a strawberry wakes up to find himself handcuffed behind his back with a soda can tab. whats happening
he cant draw hands because he sucks but can draw man-tits because of familiarity
bell pepper dog on the same level as popsicle
melting robot throws apple and strawberry flavored Sour Punch Straw candies into a blue, doe-eyed puddle of water, attempting to drown them.
two lemons a giant grape playdough and silly bandz
the ghost of a beanie cap accidentally teleported into someones bedroom and said "oh my glob"
lost in a jackson pollock
2 chainz
The Fat School Bus
An utter refusal, by the player-base, to play this game in any kind of good faith or sense of participation with anyone else.
jay-z's face next to a leg of turkey from the renaissance faire