Aerial view of a persons head. The person has brown hair, eyelashes and a big schnoz.
You finally find your wayfarers, all dusty, under a chair.
Young man having the bestest of times.
The country of Italy wearing a blue-striped shirt and, for some reason, a blue beret.
A little girl falling down a well. On No!
A quickie-doodle frog asks you to be his (her?) Valentine. There's a pink heart above the frog.
A pink seastar on the beach. Waves rolling in.
A drunk cat.
A fish goes with the flow.
Well known cartoon character in surprising, out-of-place situation.
A well-drawn four panel cartoon. The main storyline: A pirate and his trusty companion, Polly the Parrot, find water. Hilarity ensues.
A man wanting to learn more about boobs.