nepeta, claws out, about to pat a nervous karkat
very buff shirtless dirk strider, but like, not in a sexy way
a person punches a tomato-eyed grandmother, bursting her tomato eyes, to protect a red bowtie
a puddle of toxic green sludge
a green sock puppet deciding whether to take rocks (a snake's natural food) or money (the root of all evil)
a psa: don't fuck a monkey! with entertaining background explosions!
an orange sun rising over a blue forest, obscured by a red-haired person very close to the screen
a good if anxious artist
two butterflies duelling through the noble art of dance. pokemon-style
a long-haired blonde child with a matching bow tie and hat that doesn't know what's going on
poop emoji
a round white ghost hovering in the void, pocked in symmetrical red