A depressed person with a micropenis whose sole dream is to be fucked in the ass by Dr. Whoreves.
A hand of a man who suddenly got so rich, he suffocated from the money piling onto his body. What a great death.
Google chrome squirting chocolate at people in a three-legged race before the finish line.
A gold fish sniffing it's own breath(Somehow not in the water) and says "WTF did I eat?
Katy Perry LOL
time is racing to the finish, speeding past all the other racers!
slender stickmen figures who are having blood coming out of their nonexistent eyes
two guys running across the street, trying to evade a sea of blood
a cow getting electrocuted by a metal pole in the middle of a thunder storm
a dinosaur getting scarred for life after seeing two girls one cup on his computer
a finger getting licked
Equius is wondering how.