Karkat hoping John is a homosexual, but john says he is not.
an amazing picture of dave stroking john (they are both god tier) "john. john. john..." john says"das gay."
dirk strider became a tight-as-fuck kitty cat.
cuties talking about diabetes. (nepeta leijon and her lusus are the ones talking if you know homestuck)
someone really loves stephano, even though stephano is pewdiepies, what a soap opra. or at least i think thats whats going on.
super vampire moo is battling a farmer with a sword and a bucket of milk
a crying fangirl who loves gamzee has "too many feels"
"ass or titties" rose, john and vriska in this picture. i choose ass AND titties.
dirk is ironically a crow. he says "caw"
dirk kills decapitates himself and says "I love you Jak" yes, he doesnt say Jake, he says jak. Dirk is now dead.
dave strider is saying thanks to terezi, also dave is totally ready to kiss. way to go dave!
feferi telling terezi that the beach is now closed, probably ruining terezi's life forever.