homestuck sucks
a three legged godzilla who doesn't terrorize a city but instead respects the community of a small town, by using the sidewalk.
a man in a fez cap stares at the ten commandments.
evolution has given us the purple snake bird with 8 wings and 1 leg, it's favourite past time? passing through worm holes.
A pedophile waits under your bed with a smile, for the most opportune moment to molest your fun bags.
what would you do for a klondike bar?
a werewolf saying let's play in front of a purple tent.
a really gay incestial family portait
a man runs to cover a stick of dynamite in order to save his family, what a hero...or a dumbass.
a baby sucks out the soul of a ginger through her boob.
one angry son of a bitch says NO!
you've just realized that toilet paper everywhere has seen you go pee since you were a child. O_O