Two kids are frightened that Harry Potter is holding a basketball
Stick figure with a red cape and a tail is leaping backward and firing two guns to the right while three bullets come toward him.
A derpy giraffe
A man holds a strawberry and explains what it is to two children who are trying to run off
Yellow man in sunglasses wants your bottom.
Little green alien wielding a sword is very happy to be splashing in lava
A stick man has just died, but has not fallen over yet.
A boy named Tim, about ~8 years old, safely asleep in his bed.
Grey girl with sassy hair, glasses with red lenses, and aqua lips
3 people. One is a large figure pointing out his abs. Another is a small stick figure. Another is a medium-sized face named Bella.
Kenny is about to die
A penguin in the grass on a hot day is using is magical ice eyebeams to cool the fire around him. He has lost his top hat.