Eating someone is eating someone. You can't say you're only half-eating them.
Typical /v/ user dreaming of what he hates the most.
Doomguy facing off against Old Snake in hand-to-hand combat
A rabbit shilling for twitter e-celebs on 4chan, to scrape enough money together to make it through the month.
Lamia(male) enjoying a trip to the beach.
Wine glass falling onto a mountain of guacamole
Despite accusations to the contrary, anon is not actually mad, he simply no longer enjoys loss threads.
Spongebob watching fat skinhead eat fries.
Man at podium argues that peace can be achieved
Two balding super saiyan beans are having a game of basketball.
The hit TV show Friends gets a dark and gritty reboot.
Japans hottest new arcade game is revealed in all its glorym