Yes, carrots can improve your eyesight, but at what cost to their own vision?
Time for my morning spaghetti shower.
Old B is into undercase girls, which is a capital offense.
Schrödinger receives a mysterious package in the mail.
"Have a sock from the repository in my torso, Electric Cat," said the red alien.
The cookies are back...and they want revenge.
Cool, soothing greens and blues interrupted by harsh greys and blacks, all set against an abundance of blank canvas.
Mitt Romney zombie? Mitt Zomney?
A blonde lady bathes using a showerhead so powerful that it chips her teeth; she remains unfazed.
It's simple: we follow the treasure map past the jungle gym, around the tiny forest, by the lake and then we've reached our destination.
Unibrow Pete: cleaving pigs at reasonable prices since 1973.
The Man in the Yellow Hat (yellow optional) spies Curious George for the first time.