just screwing around. nsfw warning.
Jyushimatsu receives a phone call but turns buff and serious as he has a mission to do. the other brothers are confused.
cute, platonic choro and ichi interactions
totty telling facts (that probably shouldnt be told) about his bros, but ichi cuts him off by being depressed
mafiamatsu au
butt crack meme but with oso as the dude praying and ichi with the butt exposed
kara and todo kissing HELL YEAH
Dayon dayoning in dayon jail
Kara singing a lullaby for his brothers with a guitar. They are suffering and todo wants to die.
totty watching the world burn. he is happy
totty happened to see choromatsu kill oso and he is alarmed
the matsuno brothers play hide and seek
jyushi falls on kara. he thanks his bro for breaking his fall but kara is in pain.