Angry old man giving himself a bath. Clearly he is angry because no one wants to give him a bath so he must do it himself. How lonely.
Dodgeball superstars!
Emporor Penguin is looking irritated.
Face palm! That robot just won't stop being irritating...
YOu should draw...ummm....A baker handing over his best cake ever to a hobo. This makes him angry beacsue he is rolling an evil alignment.
Draw Han Solo. If you do not know who Han Solo is, I deem you an uncultured swine. If you are deemed an uncultured swine, just draw that.
Sad devil is sad.
Mr.T "pidys da foal that done China"
Bloodstain with little poops in it.
Party hard ninjas!
It's Batman's birthday! But there's only four candles...must be his childhood coming back to haunt him. When do his parents die?
This guy is freaking out. Something crazy musta happened!