Heavy releases his derp medic, making a cyclops scout very sad.
RED Sniper can barely tolerate BLU Spy's cheesy reenactments
Engineer spy checks a little too hard
Medic, in a dungeon with a dark room behind him with many glowing eyes watching him. He is in need of medical assistance
When my voice, is greater than your voice.
Scout staring at some lungs and saying 'woah'. Or they could be female reproductive parts... That makes more sense.
Medic being awesome
A man asking 'please' to a woman who says 'no' and a small frame which appears to be showing a group fight... Sounds like fun.
Heavy and Medic being adorable, either that or Sniper and spy being adorable. Please fulfil my OTP feels.
Very pointy face hating on fun. Someone needs to sing the fun song.
A very content looking gremlin.
2 mcdc #420