Darth Vader striking a dramatic pose while riding a blue Umbreon on a stark cliff at sunset. Shit just got real.
Well, damn. Now I'll never find the component cables for my SNES.
The king demanded that all Brussels sprouts be put to death. The ant executioner feels no remorse, they were always his least favorite food.
Complimentary Colors moving at an exceptionally speedy rate.
A dinosaur robot piloted by two scientists. They can't figure out how to turn off the car alarm.
A powerpuff girl having a tea party with Reptar.
The worst possible thing to step on with bare feet.
Tali looks at a chocolate fountain.
Food for thought.
Roadrunner listening to his vinyl record collection on an antique record player. So hipster it hurts.
A unicorn on a hill. Storm'sa comin'.
A giant skeleton monster towers above the city, raining death and lasers from above.