Man worships his pancakes. Why wouldn't he?
Happy Khajiit has an axe. You're all gonna die.
Snake in a very dashing pink tutu.
A squiggle is madly in love with a cross-shaped tombstone.
Leonardo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles looks a little confused about something. Or maybe that's indifference.
Pikachu sports his best poker face while a rainbow sneaks up being him.
Brown jack-o-lantern face guy creates a shockwave by yelling.
A man whose head is blown off laughs that he is stuck.
Old men only cry MANLY tears.
"Since when has Diglett been able to use surf?!?!?"
An orange bosmer named Le Elf stares out over a blood red mountain range into the void. Or a snow-covered landscape. Either one.
Angelic pants just doing their thing.