There's some cocoballz laying next to that coconut tree.
ONe eye detective man person got killed in a gunfight
Jellyface asking dumb question he knows the answer to. He's probably on drugs.
snake monster with legs needs to loose weight. the part on which his legs grow has been cut off from its main body.
Devlish green mushroom wielding the mark of V.
A face floating in an animal costume learns how to pronounce "who" in red.
yellow potato trying to shut off the light while a grey tiger has a bad time finishing his essay on the horrors of capitalism.
Colorfull cotopi fighting over a purple circle. I think the brown octopus died, only his tentacles are left behind...
Demon ship housing pitch-black demons with blue eyes sails to an iland. Here the head-demon (who has hair apparently) spots a tokin' dog.
Dograbbit trying to communicate
Boxer just shat his pants with like the biggest dump. Shocked, he contemplates his next move as the match is about to start...
dude kicks A's (just one A tho)