decapitated arm with blood running out and smiley face on hand
boy with tears in his eyes gets handwriting paper back and says it is not that bad
green triangle monster trying to eat a poorly drawn cat with no tail and black dots in the corner
Lemme Murder this... (lots of squiggles) as a title at top a really detailed earth from space with the sun and moon in the distance
BYE in black and purple scribbles underneath
melting clay man in a box with a paper that says man in a box
One big backwards question mark and lots of smaller backwards question marks in the background
hospital doors in a pile of poop with green smelly squiggles coming offof it
extremely detailed grey and black eyeball on a stand with a beautiful blonde wig
Dude with a trampstamp of a smiley face with heart eyes
I think it's supposed to be Oscar the grouch but it's a trashcan with a face and green hair and DESU written beside it
Adventuretime (Finn) Guy in white hat and blue pants wondering where his sword is but it is right behind him