Siamese twin: two heads on one torso. Right head beautiful brunette, left head sickly grandma vampire.
A shark in an earthquake! Help me I'm sinking!
Gordon Ramsey wonders about the spaghetti sauce in his hair.
A magician is making a brightly colored ball float over a table. The stage is completely dark, except for a spotlight on the table.
A smurf dreaming about a pizza in stormy weather.
The Tin man (of Oz) has to choose: an anatomically correct heart, or a hotdog with mustard and ketchup... (the heart has some ketchup too)
Yo momma.
It doesn't want another coffee.
I got a letter this morning, what do you reckon it read? It said the girl you love is dead.
Guy eating ghost cause of breakup.
Please respect tables. ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)
Giant eyeball wants to eat you.