cthulu, disguised as two kids, is selling lemonade at a lemonade stand...OR SO THEY THINK
a baby wizard riding a unicorn cuz UNICORNS ARE FOR GANGSTA'S!!!
A green anorexic TRex is having his spine bent all over a Beetle while there is a storm. Or just some lines, I used my imagination.
a whale coming from above is eating a chocolate heart with sprinkles, and also has two arms coming out of it's bottom side, poor chocolate:(
an angel has just saved up enough gold pieces in his piggybank for diablo III
the singing popaco, now with more paint!
Homestuck be derpin it
little baby kittens are clawing at a guy's face, but they're too cute so it's okay
a volcano snowman fights a guy in the dark...epic drawing >w>b
a hipster guy just put a pink bow in his hair, and is calling his bro a bro, while the bro is plainly confused by the bow bro to hipster bro
captain america -- as drawn by dave from cyanide and happiness
hamsteak cussing