Marisa from Touhou discovers milk
Wendy's girl yelling FUCK
Cubs-flavored Ice cream cone
A tiny XD in the middle of the Cancer symbol.
A man who just wrote "no" on his forehead says "Just write 'no' on my forehead. lol."
"Titan", only the first T is a cross.
This girl's got a cross on her head
Some guy you can't see saying "Hello Mr. Presidant" to Santa Claus.
Okay Eren, I give up, have all the titans you want. Just... Just stop staring at me...
Orange guy pointing and lolling at a tiny brown guy in the corner, who says "You lil sh*t" in reply.
The last guy didn't know what the h**l the guy before him was drawing. Draw the sillest thing you can think of to confuse him more!
Anything that doesn't involve Titans.