Famous artwork by Picasso, while he was tossing Shakespear's salad. I am a very disturbed individual.
A man in a boat is having some troubles.
Deadmau5' long lost cousin, Steve. He has a terrible drug habit.
A man with a green shirt who's destroying a mailbox. This is very destructive behavior.
A purple giant who Kamehameha's an army.
A black man bowling. I hope he gets a 7-10 split.
A stick figure porno shoot. This is an unhealthy habit.
A man afraid of exercise. He's in the Fitness Protection Program.
A hipster about to drown himself...in the mainstream.
An example of the faulty cameras used to take pictures of Bigfoot.
Ditto's cousin telling you to stop doing drugs. Seriously, that shit will kill you.
Anime is for pussies.