The greatest super-organ of them all, Bionic Eye, maintains justice by keeping a watchful gaze over Innards City from-Ok, it's a 'super-eye'
Mr. Octopus doesn't need to go to the barber as he has no hair, so gives the barber a Tentacle Gesture that is akin to flipping the bird.
A man is crucified during the olympic ceremony because he was taking steroids.
Hitler is getting an annual Oktoberfest surprise from Eva Braun.
A triangle balanced on two sticks with God screaming that it is a shack.
A gigantic floating highly detailed eye makes a clever pun.
The sun's rays make a hat wearing topless man get rickets.
Blessed Faeces!
Everything the man touches turns into skittles.
A horse sandwich
The face of Satan himself.
Jupiter and Saturn at war with each other.