Family of Pikachus. Father is angry and fat, mom is happy and pretty and their child seems to be afraid of the father.
This man is going through multiple surgeries to slowly fulfill his dream of becoming a rainbow colored top hat.
God wanted to create a universe full of dragons, but found the task too difficult and gave up in frustration.
Jack Skeleton is trying to cheer up a man whose legs have become paralysed by showing him all the thing that he can still do.
Duck swimming in lake. There is some fish in the lake and some blue stick figure and I think he's saying: "Hookad on phonies"
Pigeon is stealing tomatoes from a dead teletubby.
Fat Eridan cosplayer saying "coat".
Caution!: Bad ass.
A yellow-blue-red alien called Joey Ramone
Welcome to Hell!
voltorb + cubone
Exeggutor driving a bicycle.