A bear and a huge blueberry. Or maybe the bear is just that small.
Turtle proves to a doubting stickman that it can climb a tree.
Amoeba is consuming Paramecium.
Carebear is transported into OZ via tornado, he's not in Kansas any more, that's for sure.
T-shirt is scared of Great Britain?
Heavily armed Pegassus. a:25, d:40, flying, resistance to magic.
Young bat informs his mother about his first bat guano. Moma bat is proud.
Sparta, this is Madness. Madness, this is Sparta.
Selipnir, the horse that Loki is mother of, and Thor rode. Unfortunately The Avengers didn't have this part of the myth in it.
Sunn O))) - Monoliths and Dimensions.
Skrillex loves to use Apple products, because he's a homosexual.
Yo dawg you high as fuck.