some douche telling you "lol you came to the wrong place mate" like he knows his shit
some man's tombstone
a can of pepsi upside down. Rust cohle probably had enough beers in his interrogation and he's gonna drink pepsi instead
a giant black ? fell into earth and laid roots underground, while also deforming the surface of earth like it was a sponge
"keira hagai" some sexy animu girl, with cat looking ears, green hair, and some big yellow glasses hanging on her neck
jake and finn from adventure time robbing a bank
jake and finn from adventure time riding anacondas
a million and one erect houses
Finn and jake from adventure time, eating pizza
the adventures of pink and red, two cubes of said colors
A banana. Nothing else. Good job making this fun bro
metroid laughs at mario's princess, probably because metroid is a strong woman that needs no man to save her