*Insert description here*
Your typical deviantART original character
The purple king was unhappy at the chefs pet Lion. It had to go.
"Do you, Grumpy McSerpent, take Annie the animated coffee mug as your wife? Then I hereby pronounce you husband and wife."
Damn, I wish you could draw.
Jeff Andonuts concludes that the key he is holding does not work.
A zombie playing left 4 dead on a computer whilst requesting brains.
Look mom! I'm flying to the moon!
But sadly it was already too late. Mr. B. A. Nanners had passed on. Such is life in Noir York.
A man suffers from an acute case of Brachio Noodolitus.
Swat cats are here to fight crime and confiscate catnip.
Blue man appreciating the finer points of male genitalia.
A cubistic work that illustrates the inherent morality depicted in the spatiosocial antiquity of a mans soul. Truly a modern masterpiece.