a guy trying to find 'people laughing eating salad' on Google. Probably to use as a reaction image on /v/
It's time to stop whatever the fuck you're doing and get creative you faggot!
a caterpillar looking very pleased with himself
a man just survived an accident that should have killed him and now he has a new appreciation for life
Woah nigga, give me some of those doritos!
aw shit nigga this guys got skittles!
Aw shit doctor, that was a sweet backflip!
Squirtle Squad Motherfucker!
a man crying as his money burns
if you take one more step Gandalf the grey I'll press the doom button and send you into that vortex
A man in a red t-shirt walks in on a bald man taking a piss and says "oh shit I'm sorry", to which the bald man replies "sorry for wut?"
charizard with the head of a dog and tits breathing fire