It's either the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, or the inside of someone's butthole.
a really sparkly ass. I mean like, REALLY sparkly. You could probably see your reflection in this ass.
two brown dogs sit next to each other
Some buff guy and a ginger woman get the idea of hosting another DASHcon in present day 2017. There's also a happy goldfish for some reason.
Psychedelic pink tree with a green outline
a grave with no name. it just says RIP
A person begins to tear up at the sight of a dish of what appears to be brussel sprouts. Basically it's a really sad looking dinner.
A pig with flamingo legs on a hill and next to a tree stares at the viewer.
giant green nose sneezes fire onto colorful townspeople
an XD face and the words "dank meme"
a thumbs up but the thumb has a gold nail and there's steam coming off of the hand
Angry demon fists XD emoji???