Lindsay Lohan still not selling that crack. Seriously, what the hell, I have already been in this chain.
A hipster magician defends himself against a liontamer in the groovy-dimension.
Floating head needs legal council. BETTER CALL SAUL
Lindsay Lohan tries to sell kids crack. They refuse.
Jesus Christ has written a note to himself in his palm, telling him to remember. But he can't remember what it is he is supposed to remember
Man is puzzled that he did not get a greater reaction as he chainsawed the cheerleader in half.
Mr. Allan just wanted to be a teacher, and was not prepared for the sexual aspect of the job.
The tits from Jurassic Park: Tresspasser regrets buying a QWERTY keyboard
In this deleted scene from 2001: A Space oddysey, Dave attempts to flirt with HAL-9000.
Someone likes circles.
Little did Herbert know, that the disguised alien LOVED shirts made from feces. The sun shone on them, as awkward love grew.
Animal plastic surgery has gone too far.