Wearing a pink hat shaped like a lamp and having no arms or legs makes you a slut
Getting drunk off sex (triple ex).
Great British flag is happy because it's great
super cool orange sunglasses that take up 3/4 of a face
The world couldn't cope without the little green man so the land sank into the sea.
Brown and grey square are in LOVE
A face with no nose looking bemused at you, which will make you question your existence.
steaming chocolate ice-cream that looks a little bit like poop
a bit of blue here and a bit of blue there, here a blue, there a blue, everywhere a blue blue
Cwazy monkey asking you to PEEL his banana as he is unable to himself (due to unsound vision).
beep bop solo
A man with a pea for a head is being punished for laughing at a bananas monobrow.