It's a scientifically proven fact that everything is better with otters.
A blue, coral covered dragon holding a magical golden scepter, infused with rubies. The dragon is roaring. The scepter is sparking.
Minimalistic surreal portrayal of the very things the inhabitants of this website are supposed to do.
A green, blue and black snake with matching diamond rings are all proposing to a long, yellow female snake at the same time.
And this is the reason I am more of a cat person.
Your mom is so fat that she has two watches one for each time zone she's in.
A pink, fluffy rabbit is enjoying a shower.
A yellow block of gold with a engraved on it sitting on a green hill.
A fish believes that if he swims up a waterfall he will turn into a dragon. The other fishes are trying to tell him to stop being dumb.
Two cats decide to steal a car. I wonder if cats make good drivers...
Two friends getting together after a long time of seperation. They are about to hug when the shadow cast from one of them intervenes.
Draw me something nice.
A black sumo-wrestler is tangled up on a cable, hanging high above the sumo ring while the crowd watches in horror.