No. No it is not ok. You think this is funny? Now button up your shirt and get your hair out of your face, you look terrible.
Duck robot
Dr. Bunsen stands idle while his shadow searches for him.
I say, did roger just turn into a pile poo? Right O.
Smug piece of shit
Someone broke the chain and the drawer called him/her an idiot. Frankly I am a little disappointed as well. What the heck, guy?
Well then...I guess you could say...He was a little hot headed. YEEEEEAAAAH!
The camp fire plans on killing you...with kindness
A poorly dressed fat kid with incontinence is nervous to meet the famous top-hat man
The brain is not a butt.
I think someone was either offended or disgusted by the previous description and refused to draw it. Christmas Tree Paaaaarrrttttyyyy!!!!!
Raise the steaks