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A dark being is frightened of the light as it runs down a grassy field.
A Brilliant Doodle of Edvard Munch's "The Scream".
A gingerbread man wears a spiffy tuxedo.
A chocolate chip cookie chugs down a carton of milk.
A disembodied skull with wings and a halo carries a bloodied dagger with it's teeth. It's eye are burning with rage.
A naked man uses a dowsing rod to track down an angry moose.
A Lumpy Bovine Grazing Along a Grassy Field under Some Crunchy Looking Clouds
A cave full of gems is guarded by a Manticore
People Celebrate "Green Martians vs. Pink Grim Reaper Day"
A Giant Goldfish Golem
A Ginger Kid With Glasses Talks about Shit