An unconscious cow-creature with its brain hovering over its head exhales.
House drawn childrens'-style flying around in the night sky, lit by stars and a full moon. In a big window lady scream at flying bird
Well drawn sheep is playing the saxophone while steering his mini-scooter with only one hoof and with closed eyes.
A sneaky green-finned-alien if closing in on you. He looks rather enraged. You should probably hide. Or run.
A new skateboard ramp has been built and already two skaters lie dead in each of the ramps hole-thingies.
An enraged stick-man is about to throw some heavy object around while another stick-figure is cowering on the ground.
A stick-man with one horn on his forehead and a smile on his face has decapitated a four-legged mammal with a cleaver - fresh blood on it.
A white oliphant with a rainbow-blanket on its back is singing along the Abba song "Dancing queen" in its mind.
Troll-face-sun tries a pick-up line on a sad-faced blue and yellow bird-creature.
An orange stickman who appears to be quite happy with his stick-limbs.
An unidentified flying object - i.e. a UFO, with a pair of eyes what was supposed to be a nose and a pizzaslice for a mouth.
A desperate chicken tryes to talk its robot-spouse out of leaving Connecticut.