A donkey is thinking about playing portal. He is also homosexual, but that is okay.
Patrick Star is really stupid.
A suave man is severely disturbed about the red lines hovering across his head.
A face is extremely shocked that PUN is not dead.
A man riding a horse that's following a smaller horse.
Now hiring for 7.50 per hour.
Ash Ketchum giving you a look like he's going to rape you. Except you kind of like it, because he's fucking Ash Ketchum.
A slime from Dragon Quest is happily looking at you. He seems joyful.
Man with long, thin, pencil finger is scaring away two small Asian children.
An alien monkey who is ejaculating while he points out a cloud that is verified by a small white ball. Not a ballsack, just one ball.
Fuck off, flower. You're not welcome here.
Someone takes fashion advice from Rarity. Because that is one sexy shoe.