mountains over the hobbit house
...well uh... that's... certainly some chick that's bad at math taking a shit in front of the class, I guess.
A Rocket Powered Turbo Slug
That dude just chopped his head off with his fist
Ash Ketchum with a scythe
squiggly drawing with boobs on the side
Evil Spider Mech
...I have no idea what the character is, but I think it's from Persona or something. fuckidunno
Heart key going into a heart lock. ...there's a Hurt Locker joke in there somewhere, but fuck if I can make one up.
...I think it's supposed to be that one chick from Lucky Star. friggifIknow mushroom. That's what I'm calling this, despite what it could very well be interpreted as.
Bubs from Homestar Runner has lost a lot of weight. And is now apparently a hot dog.