A man says "I've had it with these penguins!" While making fists at a penguin named Allah that has red shorts and a bloody syringe in one pa
I man with very spaced out eyes complains about drawing on a game called DOODLE OR DIE
A walking loaf of bread says "yay back to school drugs"
Galo Sengen hates ice cream
A redneck with a triangle hat and mustache types on his computer that Obama is a Gay,Muslim,Satanist.
Draw Gabe Newell. Make sure to make it very clear he is obese but loveable.
A fine ass shawty attemps to show'er titties to a man. Only to be pushed away and yelled at with a NO. Off the record-Id fuck that drawing..
A muscular pink...log? Asks a frightined balloon to "bring it bitch"
Draw Gabe Newell. Make sure to give him glasses :)!
A dead kitty made into a sandwich with lettuce.
A chubby man greets his clone as it exits a "cloning pod"
A black foot with nice toenails and proportions has an angry face with large lips on the top of it. Pink background behind the top down view