Redneck with a flyswatter, I think I have already described something in this thread
Dinkledicks is going on yet another exciting quest
Stereotypical asianface holding a hovering note. Huh, I guess he's not really holding it then now is he.
Haloman swatting hamburgers with his flyswatter-arm
A dank-assdragon with a bullface and dollar money necklace
About-to-be tentacle rape
A cute bee with a demonic voice
th0mas the dank eng1ne
An orange with eyes, and a tomato. YUP...
Holy fucking shit, this sun is so god damn cool, which is ironic cause he's super hot right? And he has that awesome "AYYY" smile
Fuck potpuri. If that man got a haircut he would be really handsome though. 3/10 would fuck.
Man trying to be hipster thought that buddha could've gotten reincarnated as a dog. He didn't pay much attention in um, religion class