red man gives his friend a fish
a hairy foot saying farewell to a bottle of poison who is about to commit suicide... sniff *
princess peach examining the lower body half of an old man with a disease that turns your legs into blue scissor blades
an obese man with his pet H perched on his shoulder whilst a pair of confused twins look at him and say "what?"
a Navi who receives a robotic arm transplant and vows to make the world a better place.
maide in a field of pink question marks
man who makes an angular shape with his arm whenever he sees a stop sign.
cookie monster peeing in an underwater tank filled with seaweed
an asian cowboy sipping coffee with a turkey.
stoned teenage mutant turtle who has lost his bandanna due to a fight with a mafia drug lord
drunken hobo with a pipe imitating a man with social class whilst holding a glass of fine wine that is red
a verbally abusive window that imposes low self esteem on others