A pink background lulls a perfect crescent moon to sleep, as tiny dots of black and blue surround it, singing a lullaby.
gay stuff
A banana confronts its doppelganger. But which side is the evil side?
Sandvich blushes for skinny Heavy at a disco as it ever so desperately wants to crawl into his stomach. For Sandvich, it would be an honor.
A hot dog trying to find a new path in life, only to find it stopped by his own notorious bun. The only move now is to kill the bun.
Even HOTTER fox momma with some big ol' titties.
Sexy hot fox momma with a 1920's flapper haircut struttin' her hips. Ooooh yeah ;]
A Canadian weed flag. Simple as that.
A surprised and perplexed frog, who has the start of some massive pecs, but no body to finish off the pecs. :(
A man trapped on a distant alien planet, looking desperately for chocolate milk and Santa Claus.
A karate master ferociously laughing at a student he just roundhouse kicked in the face, and to enjoy this abuse, he snacks on ice cream.
An invisible red force gouging a happy cat's eyes out while the cat is saying "Miar" (Possibly Miar is the invisible divine force)