Mootykins relaxing like a cool guy should.
As man traverses the vast tundra a giant flying egg meets him. The man, stunned, can only mutter "Oh"
Pacman on amphetamines.
Thom Yorke doing his thing on a greenscreen
lol forevr alon guy i luv mems dey r so funi xD xD
Thomas making sure Everything's In It's Right Place. No Surprises: He's Nude.
It's a potato.
Gary drops acid.
Kanye West smoking cigars, drinking pink chardonay and smoking. Oh and he has a top hat and a cane, too. Make sure to draw his niggery.
Crab you are cool do you cool thing you just don't give a fuck
The Legend of the Rent was way hardcore.
Gandalf knows his literature. In fact he knows it so well he wants you to read the very book he's in.