very well drawn zombie saying oooh brains and reaching out.
FKUKR the angry grey splotch shouted.
3 green zombies (with random blood spots) in a mariachi band. 1 is wearing a sombrero, 1 has a guitar. Braaaiins is written at the top.
Totem god shouting YOU FOOL! at a guy about to press a button on his laptop.
YAYA Smiley face guy holding a blacked-out square that says censored. (Why are you so happy to be censored?)
Milhouse without his glasses looking a bit sad
a warrior in battle armor and helm holds his hand up as he swings pink nunchucks over his head. Don't think you're allowed to pass.
still path through a park with an ominously dark forest just up ahead
God's foot coming out of a cloud to step on the demon-worshiping ants fleeing a candlelit pentacle and their black widow overlord.
UK flag crying
poop watching the sunset over a green field from a rooftop.
Ringing banana phone.